+34 619 500 775 info@islamarcharter.com C/ Des Llinquer nº 5, local 2. Edificio Martinet 07819 Jesús Ibiza

Extra services

custodia de embarcaciones

Boat Storage

Once the boating season is over, we are responsible for picking up your boat at any location in order to offer transportation and safekeeping services in a warehouse or exterior courtyard.

custodia de vehículos

Car storage

We take responsibility for storage of your vehicle, with pick-up and delivery service to the airport or any other location.

traslado de embarcaciones

Boat transportation

We offer the service of bringing your boat to and from Ibiza. That also includes if the place of origin is abroad and not on the island. This is a great way to save time when you can catch a plane directly and not have to navigate for hours by yourself. Your only worry is to enjoy your boat on a dream island.